Zynima Network

NC8 - Amicable

It was a late night for Trivo in the hotel's yard! But this sculpture was coming along too well.

She had it all crafted - A figure of a spaceship, about ten feet tall. It was just the painting that needed to be completed. Greys and blacks weren't her favourite colours to work with, but she knew how great the statue would look after it was all done.

Trivo stood on a short, wooden stool, standing as tall as she could with her little paintbrush in one hand and a bucket of paint in the other. She reached up to make some strokes-

"Pretty impressive. Did you make it?"

"Uwaie!" The sudden voice made Trivo jump and drop her paintbrush. Who was that?

She peered around to the left of the sculpture. A... a-a monster?! It was a huge creature dressed in human clothes, easily more than double her size!!

With another startled "yaie!," Trivo hopped off her stool and ran around the sculpture, dropping the paint bucket and hiding behind the big model spaceship.

The huge creature peered around the statue, not with a horrible, menacing face... but with a look of curiosity. As it spotted Trivo, its face turned to one of glee.

"Hey... no need to be scared," the giant hummed, a gentle smile adorning its face.

After taking a good look... Trivo's expression lit up in awe as she stared back at the creature. She was like a giant human, but with a different face!

"You're... not a monster?"

"Of course I'm not." She walked over a bit closer to Trivo, looking at the statue. "What's this?"

Trivo stepped back, still cautious. "Ah! It's... it's some art I'm doing! It's a spaceship..."

"Hm! I see... that's well done." The large creature turned to face Trivo again with a hand on her chin. "Did you make it yourself?"

"Yes!" Trivo beamed, her nerves calming quickly at the sight of someone who could appreciate creativity as she did. "I love painting and making sculptures like these!"

"Very nice!" The giant crouched down, bringing her face down closer to Trivo's eye level. "Do you have a name, little robot?"

Trivo's eyes lit up. "My name is Trivo!" She stood tall and proud as she introduced herself. "And you?"

"You can call me Alaïs." She smiled again, shutting her eyes in a cheerful expression.

This creature... was she another robot? Didn't look like it. Whatever the case was, she definitely seemed very amicable. Trivo actually felt at ease.

"Alaïs! That's a cool name..." Trivo wiggled a bit. "Did you just happen to stumble upon me here?"

"That's right," Alaïs replied. "This city's boring at night. I thought I'd take a walk and explore a bit."

"Ah!" Trivo exclaimed. She paused for a moment, tilting her head down in thought. "I... I don't know how the others will react to a giant like you, but you can stay here for a while if you want!"

Alaïs's expression was hard to read - a tilt of the head with what looked like pursed lips. But, before long, she spoke up. "Sure. Why not."

"Yay!" Trivo beamed again, picking up her paint bucket. "I don't get to visit with people often. Would you like to watch me paint?"

"Sure. Let's see it."

"Okay!" Trivo tapped around on her pointed feet, picking up her paintbrush from the ground.

Alaïs sat against the wall of the hotel as Trivo prepared herself to continue working. The robot stood back up on her stool and dipped her paintbrush into the paint bucket, ready to continue her project with her new acquaintance watching.