Zynima Network

Musings of a Man Eater

Look at you, standing over by the corner of the street. Are you waiting to cross the road?

Human, oh human, who are you, human? What did you do today? Did you make something? Did you have fun? What do you like to do? What makes you different?

You're all the same, but all unique. Only once has someone not fled from me in terror; you're all different, I know that, but so many of you act the same.

This one probably has a name, and some friends, and some hobbies. What are they? I won't ever know. But I am curious. Who are you? If I talked to you, would you run? Ah, ah, you would probably run, but if you didn't, what would you say? Would you stare at me, this alien giant, petrified with awe? Or, maybe like that other human, would you look up to me with reverence and excitement? The answer will usually be the same, but sometimes, you humans surprise me.

But I won't ever know about this one, because soon, you'll just end up like the rest. Oh well. Turn your back on me, human, and we'll see who you are.


Ystets... this place tried to welcome me, but resulted in the opposite. A city where volons roam freely and humans comprise the minority. It sounded too good. Maybe this was what Janice meant by "harmony"?!

...No, I don't think Ystets is what she wants. She wants volons and humans to live as equals. That will never happen. As long as I live, that will never happen.

Humans strike me as desperate. They don't fight us. No, they contain volons in their prisons and study us. It doesn't seem to matter where. In space or on this planet – all the same, it seems. They fear us. They fear me.

Rightfully so. Humans fear volons... because they know we're at the top of the food chain. Not them. Mmmmm.

I am a hunter. Of course, that's me. Ystets... blah. Volons trying to befriend one another? Volons trying to hunt with each other? Pathetic. Weak and pathetic! They can't hunt on their own, and if they can't hunt on their own, they will starve and die. I won't ever fall prey to a fate like that.

When the humans become aware of us, I will be the one they cower and flee from. Zev. THE DEVOURER OF THE HUMAN RACE. Ah... I like that. Ah, ah, don't get too excited. Remain calm and careful.

I miss my companions on the space station. I told them good things. They'll come true, I'm sure.

I'm not a liar. Kyeh-heh! A good joke. I'm not a liar.

...Janice. I don't know why I feel so angry when I think about her. She's the only one who could possibly understand me among all those humans. She works with my prospective meals to accomplish... what? I DON'T KNOW. Ah, I don't understand Janice.

No... it's Redmond... THAT'S...!





That volon... impossible. No, maybe it's not impossible. If I see it, it must be true, after all. How is it possible for a volon to grow as large as a skyscraper? How much would a volon that size have to consume to become so titanic?

Look at you, fearlessly walking through the sea. No one could touch you. World eater... that could be me, one day. But... how? I suppose it might be worthwhile to skulk around and learn new things here.

Four humans a day. That would be enough for me to grow considerably, but then what? More? Would I have to expand my menu? Surely a volon that size can't rely on humankind for sustenance. There has to be something I don't know of around here.

But... I'm already more than twice the size of a human. If I were to grow larger... that would be unwieldy. I doubt I could hunt humans as effectively as I can now. Even at this size, their buildings are much too small for me, but if I were any smaller, I couldn't swallow them. I'd have to waste food. I will never waste food. NEVER. NOT A DROP NOR A SCRAP.

I'll follow you, world eater. Teach me your ways. Show me how to become the most feared name on this planet.