Planet Ternion
> Radius: 11,930 km
> Gravity: 10.4 m/s
> Air composition: Hospitable
> Species: Genofexians, volons
> Population:
~60,000,000 Genofexians,
~1,000,000 volons
> Day cycle: 74 hours
> Year cycle: 204 days

Ternion is a lush, verdant planet covered in oceans and forests. Its climate is humid enough to allow life to flourish on the planet, resulting in plentiful flora and fauna. As hospitable as the planet may seem, however, it suffers regularly from violent storms such as typhoons and hurricanes.
Ternion is the homeworld of Genofexians, a species of sapient aliens with a rich civilization and society. While their population currently hovers around 60 million, it has quickly declined from 3 billion due to an epidemic known as Breach -- a strange and lethal disease resistant to their modern medicine.
Although there are about a million volons on Ternion, they are all trapped underground. Very few genofexians, if any, know of their existence.
A year on Ternion is split into three seasons with 68 days per season, named Loroden, Vesoden, and Taroden; Loroden is a mix of spring and summer, Vesoden is the equivalent of fall, and Taroden is a mix of winter and spring.
Notable Locations (ground)
Zetomerxy - Zetomerxy (or, Zeto) is the largest city in all of the genofexian civilization, now acting as the capitol of their entire species due to rapid population decline. Zetomerxy's population of 5,327,000 is watched over by Queen Fraxi and Guardian Daxtra, both of whom have an affinity for space travel, which is greatly reflected in their city's industry.
Zetomerxy produces more spaceships than any other city of their race, and it also features one of the largest and most frequently used space ports ever built on Ternion. Zetomerxy's space industry easily takes up at least 40% of the city's careers, and the remainder of the jobs are varied over several different fields, but most fall under marketing and customer service categories.
Andarol - With a population of 3,165,000, Andarol is the second largest remaining city on Ternion. It is ruled by King Daras, who also owns the GSA Axis; Andarol acts as ground control for the space station.
Before Breach emerged in genofexian society, Andarol was the leader in plant and herb exports: the city's greenhouse-style garden district takes up roughly 30% of the entire city's area, producing more plant-based products than any other city on Ternion. Because of this, Andarol is very culture rich, giving its citizens access to many different lines of clothing, scents, balms, and other luxurious goods. It is also a very expensive place to live because of the plentiful luxuries Andarol's industries offer.
Arcavena - Arcavena was once a genofexian city, but it was infected by Breach and became a ghost town within half a year of the first infection. Most of the city still stands, but many of its buildings are dilapidated or destroyed.
Before Arcavena fell, it was a popular coastal city at the edge of Ternion's ocean. It was also a renowned tourist attraction, noted primarily for "the Hanging Orbs of Arcavena." The hanging orbs were a series of spherical rooms hanging off of one of the city's cliffs just above the ocean, all joined by a small network of wooden bridges. Anyone was welcome to visit them, and they served as a very popular study and relaxation area.
A seldom mentioned aspect of Arcavena was its controversial mining operation, which, allegedly, had a yield high enough to sustain the settlement until it became a fully developed city. The public's general consensus is that the fall of Arcavena's first colony was due to supernatural creatures that lived in the mining pits, eventually emerging to the surface and destroying the colony and its inhabitants. However, most historical records state that Arcavena's queen, Alina-Xi, became paranoid and enforced extreme authority over her citizens, ultimately leading to aggressive protests and a violent rebellion that marked the end of the colony.
Notable Locations (space)
Genofexian spaceships and stations are prefixed with GSA (Genofexian Space Armada).
GSA Axis - Serving as the Genofexian civilization's main space hub, Axis is the primary station for the vast majority of their activities in space. It is equipped for any non-combat scenario, sporting docking and repair bays for ships of all but the largest sizes, research and development divisions, and long range communication arrays. As an extension of the station's research divisions, it is home to two major research vessels: the GSA Unending and the GSA Venture.