> Species: Great volon > Gender: None > Height: 14' on average > Weight: 630 lbs on average > Age (Hallow): 3 > Birthday (Hallow): February 17 > Occupation: Menace > Threat level: Extreme
- > Eating
- > Humans
- > Learning
- > Pepperoni rolls
- > Control
- > Sharing
- > Confinement
- > Headaches
- > Elevators
- > Shoes
- > Bones

Although it is clear that Zev originated in the Illian Cluster, it is unclear exactly how, when, or why Zev appeared there. Security footage from Illian reveals that after the abandonment of the station, Zev explored the station for several months, spending most of their time in Illian's kitchens and computer labs.
Appearance & traits
As with all Volons, Zev is capable of limited shapeshifting; however, their sheer size prohibits them from perfectly mimicking any creature smaller than roughly 10 feet tall. Zev is skilled at using this ability to recover from wounds, but struggles when attempting to mimic humans.
While in their preferred form, Zev is a semi-featureless masculine humanoid with white skin. Their face sports nothing except two large, black, plus-shaped eyes, a head of messy silver hair, and a very toothy mouth; however, the physique of their body varies slightly with each transformation. Zev almost always wears a wide-brimmed black hat and a purple scarf around both their hat and neck, along with a black outfit or suit.
Zev's temperament is almost completely driven by an enormous, insatiable appetite. Generally, Zev takes pride in being as intimidating as possible, and they're also very possessive and greedy, especially when it comes to food and other people. If Zev is hungry enough or sufficiently excited by the prospect of a meal, they will dedicate themself to finding and devouring the most appealing source of food at the time, which most often results in the consumption of the nearest human.
In the rare case that Zev becomes anxious or frightened, they try to withdraw or hide from other people, and they're often overcome with an irresistible urge to scratch things. When uncomfortable, Zev is very likely to lash out at others or experience fits of anger, even if unprovoked.