Ytti's star shone warmly on the megalopolis, casting long shadows beneath the housing spires around Set. Each building was surrounded by a length of clean-cut shrubs, and the hanging trees and bushes from the suites above gave the urban area a familiar, comfortable feel. Several other genofexians strode across the tiled roads, many of whom were heading towards the nearby tramway station.
Set joined them – like many others, they relied on the tram network to get almost anywhere in Zetomerxy.
The station itself was nearly as impressive as the spires. To the right was a multi-level array of tram rails leading to countless different areas of Zeto, in front of Set was a three-storey waiting area with glass walls, and to the left was a dark administrative building under a great canopy of leaves.
Set knew the routes inside and out from using the trams all their life; rail 32 would take them to a rural area at the edge of the megalopolis where their tantuvaws awaited. The signs placed around the station would dynamically change to show the next five trams to arrive, with 32 being the fifth. They'd only have to wait a few minutes.
Set walked up the exterior stairs to the third level of the waiting area, sitting down in a nearby booth with a couple other genofexians. They had learned to love people-watching to pass the time – black carapace, pale robes, and a satchel... I bet they're off to do something outdoors. Oh, that's a bright turquoise carapace. You obviously enjoy swimming! They watched as a group walked over to board one of the trams that had just arrived at the station. The electronic signs briefly changed to show boarding etiquette with white text on an orange background. “Keep left, no pushing, stay clear of the door once on board.”
After a few more minutes, 32 arrived at their floor. Despite the tram's high capacity, 32 only ever had a few passengers due to its remote destinations. After the walkways opened, Set boarded the tram along with three other genofexians.
Almost every seat was vacant. Spoiled for choice, Set took the rightmost seat near the entrance with the big window. It gave them a magnificent view of Zetomerxy; since rail 32 was relatively high up, Set could see almost everything below: towering residential spires, cube-shaped buildings stacked on one another with flora decorating every corner, verdant fields with outdoor activities underway, and the small sections of unpaved land dedicated to preserving historic architecture.
Despite overlooking so much, it was hardly a fraction of what the megalopolis had to offer. The tram included a simplified map of Zetomerxy along with the rail's route, but tram 32 required a special indicator just to be seen because it was so tiny in comparison to Zeto's full size.
Down below, hundreds of genofexians all went about their morning routines, dressed in light robes, lengthy ribbons, and round hats. It was a comfortable temperature during sunrise in the warm seasons – perfect for showing off some chitin here and there.
Set's burgundy outfit was reliable and good for most weather, but they occasionally lamented how plain it was.
Maybe I can treat myself later today. I've saved up enough dezei from my work. I deserve something to keep my spirits up. The idea of buying cute luxury clothes got them excited – and maybe even confident – about taking on whatever the future had to throw at them, if only for a few moments.
While musing over what kind of outfit they'd look good in, a gentle vibration began rattling Set's body.
...What is that? Is that me? They checked their hands and legs – they weren't the one shaking.
Moments later, the tram itself began trembling. Set immediately feared the worst. It was another tremor. It was happening at the worst time when Set had no escape options.
Oh no, oh no, what do I do?!
Just as Set was about to enter full panic mode, they heard something – a vast whirr shook the very air in the tram. Upon looking out the window, they realized it wasn't a quake at all. Flying high above the city, a titanic, segmented spaceship had entered the atmosphere next to Zetomerxy. Distant at first, its true scale became clear as it began decelerating above the megalopolis.
Set was soon joined by the other travelers, faces glued to the windows to watch the spectacle. The existence of Zetomerxy's space operations was common knowledge, but witnessing one of the prodigious research frigates approaching Ytti so closely was rare and exhilarating.
The spacecraft was close enough that Set could make out details on the ship's exterior: dozens of windows, violet accents on its grey paint scheme, and even folded mechanical arms meant for taking asteroid samples. Everybody in the tram watched with awestruck expressions as the ship passed over them, flying off to a distant section of the city, leaving the immense crackling of luminal engines in its wake.
As the genofexians slowly looked away, some of them met eyes and began signing their excited thoughts about the frigate. “Wow,” “incredible,” and, “imagine being on a ship like that,” were the main sentiments among the group. Set joined in with a quick, “that was amazing!” before eventually returning to their seat, wistfully staring out at the teal sky.
...And to think that vessel is nothing compared to Grand Devotion. The frigate's presence was reassuring, reminding Set that space tech was a familiar venture for their kind. It's going to be okay. Be strong, Set.
The city sights dwindled as the tram moved towards the outer edges of Zetomerxy. Immediately outside of the urban area, Ytti's forests had been preserved, along with traditional longhouses and camps meant for communal gatherings. Some guilds, including Midsiroxy, still used them, but Set's destination was more on the modern side of the scale.
Soon, the tram stopped next to a tiled path on the ground. Along with Set, only one of the other genofexians left the vehicle. Set exchanged a wave with them as they parted ways, both watching the tram ride off into the distance.
To Set's left was a small, verdant slope with a wall of shrubbery on top, and to their right was a narrow dirt path surrounded by trees, leading to a secluded grove. After a few seconds of debate, Set turned and stepped onto the dirt trail.
I can spare a few more moments.
The garden tucked away in the eastern parks of Zetomerxy was one of Set's favourite places to visit. It was a tranquil spot: pale trees supported canopies of pastel leaves drooped down against rock formations bordering the dirt path. Occasional patches of unharvested vivrzan crystals – often used as a deep blue dye – dotted the edges of the path where the rocks connected to the terrain below. Leaves rustled in the gentle breeze, and small insects chirped from all directions. The only thing missing from the grove was Ytti's carnivorous flora, which Set was content to go without.

And just beyond the beautiful garden was an ugly metal wall, towering over everything.
What was originally built as a city border during ancient wars now protected them from something far different than hostile factions – and something far worse. It gave Zetomerxy's citizens an advantage when it struck, and now, they were one of the only populaces left alive.
It was disquieting standing so close to the border. Set turned away from the wall, taking solace in the grove rather than dwelling on what wriggled beyond. As far as they were concerned, it was Queen Vraxi's responsibility to worry about it, not theirs. She had kept them safe so far, and Grand Devotion promised freedom and security from the lurking horror outside the city walls.
Set had the utmost faith in the queen. They had to have faith.
Backtracking up the dirt trail, Set stepped foot on the tile path once again, continuing to their ranch.
The trees to their right eventually cleared as they walked along, giving them a good view of some of the barns and livestock yards other Midsiroxy guild members managed, resting in eyesight of the border. Set's ranch was fifth in the vaguely defined row of properties, spaced out with plenty of vegetation between them.
As they approached their barn, Set noticed someone unfamiliar standing outside the barn's door. Black robes were familiar garb for overseers and administrators, but Set's eyes widened when they saw the gold trim on said robes.
Is this the royal courier Mother mentioned?!“Awoken again,” Set eagerly signed to the stranger.
“We rise together. Are you Set Midsiroxy Vaxvev?” the royal genofex signed.
“Yes, that's me.”
“I have a letter for you.” She handed the folded paper to Set.
The folded paper matched the courier's black and gold trimmed robes, sealed with a thin gold ribbon, and stamped in the top right corner with the Dynix family's seal of approval. Set removed the ribbon and opened the letter.