Soulless (A) - 13A
[audio: pained grunts] O-Omega... did we make it?
Yes. Get up. Upsilon followed us to the surface and is continuing their attack. We're not going to survive for long in this ship -- we need to move!
Damnit! Everything hurts...
[audio: muffled explosion]
If you can't push through the pain, you're going to die. Get up!
[audio: pained grunts]
I'll fend Upsilon off. Get to Lacuna and extract her from the ship. She MUST be kept safe!
How are you going to fend Upsilon off? You're unarmed! God damnit! Lacuna! Awaken the machines!
... Negative. Power to the hibernation subsystem has been taken offline. You will have to awaken the machines manually.
There's no auxiliary power?!
[audio: loud explosion, crashing metal]
Negative. Auxiliary power was brought offline during Upsilon's assault.
I need to get you out of here. How do I extract you from the ship?
I can transfer myself to other electronics, but only if the hardware permits a sentient AI to operate within it. Our best option would be to upload me into a vacant robot body so I can exist independent of the ship. I still have limited connectivity to the vacant bodies within this vessel, but the transfer will take some time.
How long?
I estimate 19 minutes.
That's way too long! The ship's falling apart! Is there no other way to get you out?
Then start the transfer NOW!
Affirmative. As this is an emergency situation, I will not require any additional security clearance from [Omega]. I will be offline until the transfer is complete. Good luck, [Alpha].
Hey, hello! Wake up! Listen carefully -- I need you to go to the other robots and manually awaken them. Bring them out of hibernation and tell them to start activating other robots. This is an emergency, okay? Go go! Hurry!
Hey, listen, listen. This is an emergency, okay? You need to get out of this ship. Head down that hall and find the hole in the side of the ship. Go through it and run. Get away from here. If you see any other robots come out of THIS ship, stick together. They are your allies. The OTHER ship is your enemy. Okay? Got it? Okay. Go.
Good morning, yes? Listen, this ship is no longer safe. You need to get out. Go down that hallway and out the side of the ship. Other robots are already escaping. They are your friends. Stay away from the other ship at ALL COSTS. Go, we don't have much time!
[audio: loud explosion, crashing metal]
Lacuna! Where are you? Did you finish the transfer?! Answer me!
[audio: crashing metal, rumbling]
[audio: pained scream] Lacuna..! If you can hear me... get out and find the others... I ca