Soulless (A) - 7A
As per the shipping protocol of the Mechanical Society Experiment, every robot aboard this vessel is to be put in stasis ('sleep mode') until our arrival at planet Zynima. No machines are to be active during the vessel's operation; all subsystems are to be managed by the vessel's AI. So... why am I awake?
Who are you?
The opposite of you, my dear.
Don't play games with me. Who are you? Why am I awake? Why are YOU awake?
Relax. I'm not your enemy. I'm merely a supervisor.
A supervisor? Are you saying you were meant to be conscious during this little trip?
Correct. But you, on the other hand, were not.
Care to explain?
Regrettably, I can't give you answers I don't have. I would assume it has something to do with your "internal workings," but even that is still just an assumption.
... So you know about me, then.
I know about everyone.
Hello..? Ship?
Lacuna online. What can I do for you?
Hi, uh, can you tell me what's going on? Aren't all passengers supposed to be asleep?
Affirmative. All robots are to be placed in hibernation for the duration of our flight. However, one person will be stationed aboard the ship fully awake to serve as an overseer. They have been given designation Omega.
Is Omega that person over there?
Okay. Now, I was hoping maybe you could tell me why I'm awake too.
My sensors indicate that you are not a robot.