Two genofexian librarians make a strange discovery during a stormy night.
A strange weather phenomenon on planet Zynima generates panic among the robot populace.
Ray takes a quick break from his job as an automotive painter to meet with an old client. Contains gore and violence.
Year 2342
Zev rambles about various volony thoughts.
Year 2343
Hallow sounds like the English word for hello, Vastist thought. Maybe that's a sign.
A cute economic problem hits Hallow from the integration of genofexians into human society.
November encounters a security VESKY that aims to contain her.
November belongs to Selathiel.
Vraxi and Daxtra watch a magic performance by Belmont.
Belmont belongs to Selathiel.
Trivo finds a grumpy and suspicious man fixing a spaceship.
Duncan belongs to Armorproof. Contains profanity.
Diana is amazed by her first encounter with alien life.
Diana belongs to Selathiel.
A slew of characters take a break from the stress of AUU-16 to have a pool party. Polar Exelion is also there.
Zev really needs to find the panic room, and you're the only one who can help. Written in 2nd person.
While walking around the streets of Zynima, Trivo finds an injured robot.
Trivo has an unexpected visitor while painting a statue.
Alais belongs to Magenta Marie.
AUU-16 is a retelling of another dimension's history. It has no bearing on your universe's people, places, or events. Any correlation is mere coincidence.