Zynima Network


> Species: Robot
> Corruption: 0%
> Gender: Male
> Height: 6' 4"
> Weight: 940 lbs
> Age (Hallow): 12
> Birthday (Hallow): February 14th
> Occupation: Car painter
> Threat level: Dangerous


  • > Partying
  • > Beating people up
  • > Smoking
  • > Shopping


  • > Police
  • > Threshers
  • > Snitches
  • > Traitors
  • > Punks


Ray is a machine living in Lower Miyatama without many ambitions or life goals. He works in back street garages as a car painter to sustain himself, but almost all of his free time is taken up raving or getting into fights in high risk neighbourhoods. Because of his occupation, he is good friends with Wrench (and Skye by association), who he has worked together with on the occasional car project.

Due to past confrontations, he is a public enemy of Miyatama's threshers, a gang of modified humans who disassemble robots for profit. Additionally, he is actively wanted for several assault charges, and one count of murder.

Ray goes by the alias fucktowntyrant on the internet.

Appearance & traits

Ray is a tall, bulky robot with a grey and green colour scheme and powerful synthetic muscles, giving him exceptional physical strength. His usual outfit consists of black and green phat pants, a plain black t-shirt with unusual or ironic white text on the front, and a simple black coat with matching street shoes. His head is almost entirely a large, black screen, with the exception of two large "cat" ears on his head and a jagged, functional jaw on the bottom of his face.

Unlike many other robots, Ray sustains himself with food and drink as humans would. His body is capable of processing food into fuel and energy for his body, removing the requirement for him to recharge through conventional means. Thus, he has no corruption value.


Ray is gruff and crass, and he speaks with very little emotion, but he is exceptionally loyal and protective of friends. He doesn't care about anything that doesn't directly affect his life, but if something or someone negatively affects him or his friends, he'll be the first to try to solve the problem, usually with physical violence. Despite his tough personality, he exercises a very high level of irony and self-awareness in his everyday activities and actions, often taking the form of deadpan humour.

He has a soft spot for meek or vulnerable men. As long as they aren't offending him, he'll usually make a genuine effort to shield them from harm.